Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Class Norms Reflection

 Class Norms reflection

How will you consider your own identity and be mindful of the identity of others and our community? 

"You should be mindful of other people's identities and community because we don't want to be mean to others. You shouldn't insult other people's work but you can give other people advice on what to do or suggestions. You shouldn't say "You should" you should say "Maybe you could". You should not say rude things because maybe they made the art about their culture, heritage, ect."

"Everyone should be respectful about where people come from and their culture. People shouldn't assume that everyone is the same as them and they should be mindful of how different things affect different people."

"listen to other people, don't judge people or things they wear or what they look like."

"I will try to put my culture and my experiences into my art while respecting others art."

How will you create a safe place to take risks and be brave to brainstorm solutions respectfully?

"During class if Ms.Hsieh asks a question I will take a risk of trying to answer it, I will try even though I might be wrong. I will be kind to everyone in the class and I will make good decisions and do my best on projects. If someone is being unkind to another I will ask tell them to be nice."

"You could be kind to others, ask questions. You could be kind because maybe people are afraid of doing what they want to do because they are scared of what people think. You should be kind so everyone feels safe."

"I won't judge people or make fun of people, I will include everyone and listen to everyone's ideas, and I will help people when they need it without criticizing them."

"People can let others raise their hands and be respectful about the things people say. No one should be made fun of and class should be a safe space."

How will you own your words and understand how your words can affect others positively? 

"If I give a compliment to someone and encourage them, they will feel good and confident. If I tell someone that their work is really bad, they will not feel encouraged."

"I will think about what I say many times before saying, I will use kind language to everyone and tell others to stop if they are being mean."

"If I do accedentally say something rude I will apologise to them and try and make it up."

"I will give constructive critisim with others and try to lift them up with my words."

How will you problem-solve through artistic creativity when facing challenges? 

"I can take breaks, or ask for help from my classmates to overcome obstacles and create art through challenges. I can help others by giving them my ideas and trying to give them a different view on the project."

"I will try to fix my mistakes and practice. I will also try to make sense of what we are doing when I am feeling that I don't understand."

"Ask for ideas from friends, look for inspo online or listen to music to get ideas."

"If I make a mistake when drawing or painting or anything, I can fix it and make it into something beautiful."

How will you be an open-minded team player and be a part of the whole?

"I can include everyone and listen to everyone's ideas, I can make comments that make people feel good about themselves and their work instead of pushing them down, and I can help people when they need it without criticizing them."

"I can be a team player by helping clean up, being kind to everyone, not giving up, and knowing that everyone is going through something that we might not know about. I can also help others and not put anyone down."

"You could be open to people advice. You shouldn't be close-minded and think that others don't like your work. They tell you advice so your work can become better."

"I will be open to contructive feedback and except others help."

"I will listen to other peoples opinions and see if I can relate to them."