Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Paper Relief Sculpture

 Paper Relief Sculpture


Relief sculpture is an art form that is midway between painting and sculpture in the round.  It is a process in which the subject stands out or projects a surface from the background.  The surface has several levels.  It can be high relief or low relief (deep or almost round) or anywhere in between.  Sculpture that projects from a wall or flat surface is called relief sculpture.


Goal:  To create an ASSYMETRICAL relief sculpture of multiple levels using interesting, repetitious paper forms in order to create unity, movement, and rhythm.  The finished sculpture should include some negative space as well as a center of interest or focal point.



1.)  Begin this project by viewing the examples passed around in class as well as the examples above.  Please don't copy these ideas, but use them as inspiration to create your own unique relief sculpture.


2.)  You may choose to use black, white, or gray paper for this project, or a combination of two.  Please limit yourself to two as this will help to contribute to the unity of the project.


3.)  Begin by exploring shape and form.  Experiment with various shapes of paper and creat forms from them.  You may experiment with origami techniques if you wish.  There are several books available.  Please try to keep the forms fairly simple as you will need to create anywhere from 35-75 total forms for your final project.  I will discuss a few techniques in class, then you can expand on those techniques.  I WILL NOT DEMONSTRATE ORIGAMI!!  If you are interested in these types of forms, please refer to the available books.


4.)  Create at least 5 DIFFERENT, INTERESTING forms.  Once you have 5, choose one to work with.  Please make sure that I see your five different forms so that I can give you credit.  This will be your sketch grade for this project. 


5.)  Using your chosen form as a guideline, create 35-75 of this same form.  Please vary the size (large, medium, small)(short or tall)(thin or thick).


6.)  Once you have at least 35 finished forms, you should begin to think about the construction of the finished sculpture  You will need to create a relief ASSYMETRICAL sculpture.  There should be multiple levels in the sculpture in order to achieve depth.  This measn there should be low areas, high areas, as well as levels in between.


7.)  Experiment with putting forms together in different ways.  Create a center of interest or focal point.  This is where the viewers eye will go first.  PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THE CENTER OF INTEREST SHOULD NOT BE IN THE CENTER OF THE SCULPTURE!  The center of interest should stand out or be emphasized by contrasting large and small, short and tall, or by a change in direction. 


8.)  Repetition and rhythm are the keys to this project.  Please also consider both positive and negative space.  The negative is just as important as the positive.


9.)  Once you have an interesting design in mind, and you have considered center of interest, assymetrical design, contrast, repetition, rhythm, and positive/negative space, you may begin gluing your forms together using Elmer's glue or hot glue.


10.)  As you begin gluing, make sure you pay attention to craftsmanship.  Try not to use too much glue.  Construction of this project will be a big part of your final grade.  If the sculpture is not put together well, it doesn't matter how interesting the design is.  Make sure that your piece will stay together!



Paper Relief Sculpture



Use of Elements and Principles ofDesign

Interesting Center of Interest/Focal Point

Asymmetrical Design 

Display Qualities  


Answer the following questions:
 In 2-3 sentences, describe your greatest challenge in developing and creating this sculpture

If to given the chance to do it again, what changes would you make?