1. Search references based on the theme
1. Search references based on the theme
2. Give a title
3. Think of a composition/layout based on elements of art and principle of design
4. add details to the background- overlapping concept
1.Draw the positive word in a two-point perspective art style on your sketch book.
2. Use the lightbox to trace the work onto a 12x12 drawing paper.
3. Search references to decorate the background
What is a big idea?
A big idea must convey your unique perspective. You need to articulate to the audience why they should care enough about your perspective. It is a positive and moral message that conveys a life long lesson.
Title: Festival
Theme: We are more alike than we
are unlike.
Big Idea:
The big idea that I wanted my portfolio to represent is the
idea of respecting different cultures. Since there was such a big number of
things each culture could each represent, I went with the topic of food. I drew
different types of food that were from different cultures.
In our world, I think that we need to respect others'
cultures and race more, instead of setting our boundaries based on what they
eat, what they look like, what they do, etc. Even though everyone is different,
we should respect that and not let it block us from being open-minded about
Title: Save the Turtles
Theme: Climate Change
Big Idea: Why did I choose such an unusual theme? Well, my mind was set on a “turtle theme” since turtles are and always have been my favorite animal. But the week that we started thinking of our topics/themes, was perfectly climate change week. Thanks to one of my greatest friends, Caroline Kvaal, I was dragged into doing the climate strike which happened on Friday, September 20th. And so the thought of climate change got stuck in my head. So I put together both ideas and came up with what you have seen.
Big Idea: Why did I choose such an unusual theme? Well, my mind was set on a “turtle theme” since turtles are and always have been my favorite animal. But the week that we started thinking of our topics/themes, was perfectly climate change week. Thanks to one of my greatest friends, Caroline Kvaal, I was dragged into doing the climate strike which happened on Friday, September 20th. And so the thought of climate change got stuck in my head. So I put together both ideas and came up with what you have seen.
Title: Be Part of It!
Theme: Teamwork makes the dreamwork
The Big Idea: I choose this topic because hockey means a lot to me and I think teamwork is really important because if you don’t know how to share or be part of a team you could lose a lot of friends and not be wanted to be around. In hockey, you have to pass the puck and be a team player to win and everyone wants to win right?
Title: In the Jungle
Theme: Save Amazon Rainforest
The Big Idea: My big idea for my name portfolio is the Amazon Rainforest and the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest because the Amazon Rainforest has been attacked with wildfires, and has lost around 18% of the forest due to illegal logging, soy plantations, and cattle ranching. The animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest are under threat and we should be trying to save the animals and the forest itself.
3. Overlapping concept