Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Portfolio-Week 4

Portfolio week 4
Today's Time reminder is_______________ 

Art Project: Two-point Perspective Name Portfolio  

Due Date: 9/27 Friday
Submit the Google Slide to Google Classroom
Studio-   Color your portfolio cover: Two Point Perspective Name + Background
Making a portfolio with a topic- Talk to Ms. Hsieh about your idea 
Google slide
1. Cover page- Two Point Perspective Name Portfolio +  Class code + First name and Last name initial
2. Save the slide with this title- 
Portfolio+Class code+First name+ Last name initial
A. Essential Questions
 1. How did artists/mathematicians/architects contribute to the illusion of depth in Art?
 2. Why and how might I create the illusion of depth in my own artwork? 
3. How might my understanding of linear perspective apply to my world around me? 
B. Final Artwork picture with a title
C. Pencil drawing:  your graffiti Name + background 
D. Big idea
F. Draft
G. Reference
H. Critique based on Elements of Art and Principle od Design

How to crop and adjust the brightness  of the picture 
Crop the picture

Adjust the brightness of the picture 

Design your background with Elements of Art and Principles of Design in mind 
Colored pencil technique

Select a Table Captain for the week

Conduct Points:
Captains: earn up to 5 points
Be a Role Model-Remind the table using the quiet voice and work hard
Be a Teaching Assistant- clear directions
Be a helpful Problem Solver- positive actions
Be a Leader- assign the cleaning jobs
Be a Protector- Stay late to check everyone /thing is well 
Team members: earn up to 3 points
Great Participation-  respect everyone; use indoor voice; work hard
Great Team Spirit- be helpful,  have a positive attitude/action
Being Responsible - complete Cleanup duty


Captain- Collect portfolios 
Report back to Ms. Hsieh about how many points your teammates would earn for the day.  
Captain will distribute jobs to the teammates 
·       Collect Handouts/ booklets
·       Recycle/Throw away trash( paper towels, draft papers,   paper placemats, pencil scraps... 
·       Collect materials( colored pencils, rulers, erasers, sharpies, oil pastels, shading pencils, fabric placemats, acrylic paint tubes, glue sticks, masking tapes, scissors, printing making tools, Xacto knives... )
·       Clean materials and place them away to the right places ( brushes, paint pallets, watercolor set pallets, brayers, clay tools, fabric placemats, cups, water containers, mud containers, any containers,  brayers...) 
·       Wipe tables with sponges
·       Dry tables with paper towels
·       Pushchair under the table/ The last class should place the chairs on the table or stack chairs against the wall.
Red Cleaning Pass 
Captain should be the last one to leave the classroom to make sure all things/people were well managed. When you finish your job then ask Ms. Hsieh to check to get a Red Cleaning Pass.
Exit ticket:   Form a single line, say "Thank you" to, Ms. Hsieh with eye contact and give back the Red Cleaning Pass.
You will behold back in the classroom until you have a Red Cleaning Pass to go to the next class.
If you forget to get a Rad Cleaning Pass you will be asked to the end of the line.